The company LLC “QuadroEnergo” is the official distributor of the manufacturer of pipe systems made of cross-linked high-molecular polyethylene PE-X “Golan Plastic Products” Ltd (Israel).
Pexgol— a division of Golan Plastic Products, is a world leader in the production of high-strength pipes made of polyethylene cross-linked with peroxides, with more than 30 years of experience. Being manufactured at high pressure and temperature, Pexgol products have chemically indissoluble cross-connections between polyethylene chains.
As a result of such chemical compounds, a material with extremely high structural integrity is obtained in combination with resistance to a wide range of corrosive substances and weather conditions.
The crosslinking process combined with the use of raw materials having a very high molecular weight leads to the production of pipes with high chemical and mechanical properties.
Pexgol pipe systems are designed for the transportation of saline, sludge, highly volatile, acidic and aggressive media using seamless X-polyethylene technology, with a single pipeline length up to 300 m, a diameter of up to 710 mm and a maximum pressure of up to 30 bar.
Advantages of X-polyethylene pipes in comparison with PVC, rubber and steel:
- Minimum coefficient of friction (high resistance to abrasion by solid particles of the pumped medium);
- Long single sections of the pipe system — up to 300 m (fewer connections on which deposits or mining can form);
- Pipe diameters up to 710 mm;
- High temperature resistance of X-polyethylene (from -50 OC to +110 OC);
- Wear resistance is 3 times higher than that of HDPE;
- There is no need to prepare the landscape for the installation of the pipe;
- Resistance to KCl, NaCl and other salts in various concentrations;
- Resistance to the effects of H2SO4, H2S and other aggressive substances in various concentrations;
- Light weight of the pipe;
- The possibility of manufacturing shaped parts of the pipeline (tees, bends, transitions) to the customer’s dimensions using seamless technology (there are no joints and stresses that can affect the pipeline due to the large temperature difference of the pumped medium and the outside air temperature);
- Possibility of connecting pipes using mechanical flanges and electrofusion connection;
- Pipes made of X-polyethylene can be operated both outdoors (not exposed to UV radiation) and mounted underground;
- The estimated service life is 50 years.
Whatever your task, we can provide a solution.
For more information, please contact: +375 29 648 65 10 Sergey Shimakovich.